Menendez vs hugin on the issues
Menendez vs hugin on the issues

menendez vs hugin on the issues

The following Q&As and biographies strictly focus on the accomplishments and aspirations of these two men to see what the elected winner will bring to the table in terms of service to New Jersey and the rest of the nation. This race for the US Senate has been contentious and everyone is aware of recent headlines where both candidates are concerned. Robert Menendez who has been dogged by corruption charges for years 'That did bother me, but. There are strong differences between the two candidates as well, which one can discern when reading the Q&As, or when visiting the candidates’ respective campaign web sites. Others said they werent bothered by issues facing the man at the top of the Democratic ticket Sen. Finally, both believe the healthcare system should be changed and that there are both positive and negative elements of the Affordable Care Act. Both see the dire necessity of the Gateway Tunnel project. Both believe in decriminalizing certain marijuana offenses, but differ in their viewpoints when it comes to making recreational cannabis legal. Both men, to varying degrees, see tariffs placed on foreign goods as negative, and both condemn China for engaging in unfair trade practices and stealing US intellectual property. Jack Orchulli on the Issues on Jack Orchulli Senators : Follow ontheissuesorg. Both men want to eliminate or change the SALT deduction cap of $10,000 (enacted with the federal Tax Cut and Jobs Act of 2017), which they say is negatively impacting New Jersey. They both see the value of immigrant populations and believe in a path towards citizenship for the country’s undocumented immigrants. The Stockton University poll found that Menendez leads by just two percentage points. Bob Menendez and his Republican challenger Bob Hugin. They both were raised in Union City, both were born in 1954, and, obviously, both are named Robert.įrom a political perspective, both have strong pro-environmental views and believe in climate change and the value of renewable energy. A recent poll found a near dead heat between Democratic Sen. Though they both belong to two different political parties, there are some similarities between the two candidates. (A recent Stockton Polling Institute survey found that nearly 70 per cent of respondents viewed Trump negatively.

menendez vs hugin on the issues

Hugin, former executive chairman of the biotech firm Celgene. While Menendez struggles to overcome the taint of official corruption, Hugin will be hamstrung by representing the party headed by President Donald Trump, whose level of support in New Jersey is in the 20 per cent range. In this Senatorial election cycle, the Democratic incumbent, US Senator Robert Menendez, is being challenged by the Republican candidate, Robert J. As is tradition, New Jersey Business magazine had the opportunity to separately interview the Democratic and Republican candidates, on key topics that are of concern to business owners and executives in the Garden State. On November 6, New Jersey citizens will go to the polls to elect a US Senator from New Jersey. Menendez The Senatorial Battle By Anthony Birritteri, Editor-in-Chief On Oct 1, 2018

Menendez vs hugin on the issues